acisession module

This module contains the Session class that controls communication with the APIC.

class acitoolkit.acisession.Session(url, uid, pwd=None, cert_name=None, key=None, verify_ssl=False, appcenter_user=False, subscription_enabled=True, proxies=None)

Bases: object

Session class This class is responsible for all communication with the APIC.

  • url – String containing the APIC URL such as
  • uid – String containing the username that will be used as part of the the APIC login credentials.
  • pwd – String containing the password that will be used as part of the the APIC login credentials.
  • cert_name – String containing the certificate name that will be used as part of the the APIC certificate authentication credentials.
  • key – String containing the private key file name that will be used as part of the the APIC certificate authentication credentials.
  • verify_ssl – Used only for SSL connections with the APIC. Indicates whether SSL certificates must be verified. Possible values are True and False with the default being False.
  • appcenter_user – Set True when using certificate authentication from the context of an APIC appcenter app
  • proxies – Optional dictionary containing the proxies passed directly to the Requests library

Close the session


Delete the registration of a callback function that was registered via the register_login_callback function.

Parameters:callback_fn – function to be deregistered
get(url, timeout=None)

Perform a REST GET call to the APIC.

Parameters:url – String containing the URL that will be used to send the object data to the APIC.
Returns:Response class instance from the requests library. response.ok is True if request is sent successfully. response.json() will return the JSON data sent back by the APIC.

Get an event for a particular URL. Used internally by the class and instance subscriptions.

Parameters:url – URL string belonging to subscription
Returns:Object belonging to the instance or class that the subscription was made.

Check the number of subscription events for a particular APIC URL

Parameters:url – URL string belonging to subscription
Returns:Interger number of events in event queue

Check if there are events for a particular URL. Used internally by the class and instance subscriptions.

Parameters:url – URL string belonging to subscription
Returns:True or False. True if an event exists for this subscription.

Invoke registered callback functions when the session performs a successful relogin attempt after disconnecting from the APIC.


Check if subscribed to events for a particular URL.

Parameters:url – URL string to issue subscription

Returns whether the session is logged in to the APIC

Returns:True or False. True if the session is logged in to the APIC.

Initiate login to the APIC. Opens a communication session with the APIC using the python requests library.

Returns:Response class instance from the requests library. response.ok is True if login is successful.
push_to_apic(url, data, timeout=None)

Push the object data to the APIC

  • url – String containing the URL that will be used to send the object data to the APIC.
  • data – Dictionary containing the JSON objects to be sent to the APIC.

Response class instance from the requests library. response.ok is True if request is sent successfully.


Refresh the login to the APIC

Parameters:timeout – Integer containing the number of seconds for connection timeout
Returns:Instance of requests.Response

Register a callback function that will be called when the session performs a successful relogin attempt after disconnecting from the APIC.

Parameters:callback_fn – function to be called

Resubscribe to the current subscriptions. Used by the login thread after a re-login

subscribe(url, only_new=False)

Subscribe to events for a particular URL. Used internally by the class and instance subscriptions.

Parameters:url – URL string to issue subscription

Unsubscribe from events for a particular URL. Used internally by the class and instance subscriptions.

Parameters:url – URL string to remove issue subscription