
Statistics are gathered at each Interface according to the monitoring policy referenced by that Interface. See Monitor Policy for details of the monitoring policy.

This section describes the statistic counters themselves.

Statistic Families

The statistics are broken into multiple statistic families and each family consists of a set of specific counters, rate values, and timestamps.

An enumerated list of statistic families is found in the MonitorStats class and can be found as follows:

>>>import acitoolkit.acitoolkit as ACI
>>>statistic_family_list = ACI.MonitorStats.statsFamilyEnum
>>>for statistic_family in statistic_family_list:
...  print statistic_family

The families are as follows:

Accessing Stats

Each statistic family is described in detail below and can be accessed via the stats object contained in the Interface object.

You first use the get() method to read the stats from the APIC controller.:

stats = interface.stats.get()

This will return a data structure that will allow each counter to be referenced by its name (see list above), a granularity, and an epoch number in the following manner:

counter = stats[<stats_family>][<granularity>][<epoch>][<counter_name>]

For example, if you wanted to show the per day total of ingress, unicast packets from the previous day you would do the following:

stats = interface.stats.get()
print stats['ingrPkts']['1h'][1]['unicastPer']

The specific counter names can be found at Statistics Detail.

Each counter family has an interval start and end value as well which can be used to understand exactly when the counters were gathered.:

print 'start', interface.stats['ingrPkts']['1h'][1]['intervalStart']
print 'end', interface.stats['ingrPkts']['1h'][1]['intervalEnd']

One thing to note about accessing the stats is that if a particular counter is not currently being kept by the APIC controller, that particular counter will not be returned by the get() method. This means that you should either test for its existence before accessing it, or use the standard python dictionary get method to return a default value that your code can handle:

print stats['ingrPkts']['1h'][1].get('unicastPer',0)

A typical example of counters that may not exist would be for an epoch that is not being retained or a granularity that is not be gathered.

One issue with the above is that some counters are floating point, some are integers and some are timestamps. Returning a default of zero can lead to inconsistent formatting. To work around this problem use the retrieve() method that will return the coutner value or a default value that is consistent. The format of the retrive method is as follows:


The get() method will load the counter values and then they are accessed by the retrieve method as follows:

print interface.stats.retrieve('ingrPkts','1h',1,'unicastPer')

Note that the result of the get() method was not used. It did cause a read of the stats from the APIC which are then stored in the interface.stats object. After that, the interface.stats.retrieve() method will access those previously read counters. The retrieve() method will not refresh the counters.

The interface stats can also be accessed via the simple python script This script has a couple of display options to customize the output.

A simple run of the script will display each interface in the network and a couple of selected stats for each:


The default display is for the 5min granularity and the current, i.e. 0, epoch. An alternative granularity can be selected with the -granularity command line option.:

python -granularity 1h

The epoch can be specified with the -epoch option.:

python -granularity 1h -epoch 3

A specific interface can be specified with the -interface option. This might be useful if there are a large number of interfaces.:

python -g 1h -e 3 -interface 1/201/1/1

Note that we are also showing the abbreviated form of the other command line options. The above will show stats for pod 1, switch 201, slot 1, port 1.

If all of the stats for a given interface are desired, the -full option should be used.

python -g 1h -e 3 -i 1/201/1/1 -full

This last option will show only those stats that have been collected according to the monitoring policy. Also, note that this last option only works when the -interface option is also used.


The <granularity>, also called “interval”, must be one of:

  • 5min
  • 15min
  • 1h
  • 1d
  • 1w
  • 1mo
  • 1qtr
  • 1year

An enumerated list of granularities is found in the CollectionPolicy class and can be found as follows:

>>>import acitoolkit.acitoolkit as ACI
>>>granularity_list = ACI.CollectionPolicy.granularityEnum
>>>for granularity in granularity_list:
...  print granularity


The <epoch> is an integer representing which set of historical stats you want to reference. Epoch 0 is the current epoch which has not yet completed. Epoch 1 is the most recent one and so on. The length of each epoch is determined by the granularity.

The number of epochs available will be determined by the retention policy and granularity specified in the monitoring policy and how long they have been in place.

For example, if the monitoring policy for a particular statistics family has a granularity of 5min and a retention policy of 1h and it has been in place for more than one hour, then there will be a total of 13 epochs, 0 through 12. Epoch 0 will be the one currently active. Epoch 1 will be for the previous 5 minute interval. Epoch 2 will be for the 5 minute interval previous to epoch 1 and so on. At the beginning of the current Epoch, the values in Epoch 0 will be distorted because they are only for a fraction of that epoch (potentially a zero fraction) and the other 12 will represent an hour of history.

Update Frequency for current epoch

The current epoch, epoch 0, will be updated as it occurs, i.e. in near real-time. The interval that it updates depends on the epoch, or interval, granularity.

Granularity Update frequency
5min Every 10 seconds
15min Every 5 minutes
1h Every 15 minutes
1d Every hour
1w Every day
1mo Every day
1qtr Every day
1year Every day